Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Discovering the Power of Social Networking Sites (

You’ve probably received an invite to LinkedIn, a popular corporate social networking site. Or maybe you’ve heard your teenage son or daughter talk about the coolness of Facebook or MySpace. Social networking—interactive, collaborative online communities created by technology—has certainly gone mainstream. And now it’s becoming a value-added feature of the corporate landscape.

Read the full story...

Does 802.11n spell the 'end of Ethernet'? (Network World)

Is the advent of the 802.11n wireless standard the “end of Ethernet” - at least in terms of client access to the LAN?

What Do Women Want? Less Pink, More Tech, "Lady Geek" Survey Says (Wired)

Bring on the tech gear, but don't make it girly: That's what women want, according to a recently released "lady geek" survey.

100 Fastest Growing Tech Companies 2007 (Business 2.0 Magazine)

Despite talk of froth and bubbles, the tech sector continues to surge. The 100 companies on our annual list are all posting impressive results.