Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Election '08: Seeking a 'Tech President' (BusinessWeek)

Technology companies have much at stake in 2008. Here's where the candidates stand on the issues of crucial importance to Silicon Valley

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:-) turns 25 (

It was a serious contribution to the electronic lexicon.


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Expert Voices: Convergence, Yes; Alignment, No (CIO Insight)

Aligning IT with business is a fundamentally flawed and limiting concept, says Faisal Hoque, chairman of the Business Technology Management Institute. Instead, companies should achieve a true melding of IT and business minds–what he calls convergence.

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Jobs says Apple will fight iPhone unlocking hacks (Network World)

Apple CEO Steve Jobs said Tuesday that it's his company's job to stymie hackers who try to unlock the iPhone -- the first time the company has officially said it would fight attempts to use the popular device on unauthorized networks.

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